

SIZEUP is a unique blending of Seaweeds, Butea Monosperma, and other natural resources to enhance the size and weight of the produce.

Sizeup-Gujvir Organics



18% Extract of Seaweed, Gliricidia Sepium, Butea Monosperma, Botanical Extracts and Cow urine.


Foliar Application: 2-3 ml SIZEUP per liter
Soil Application: Drench 1 liter SIZEUP per acre with irrigation.


• Compatible with recommended Insecticides / Fungicides / Foliar Manures or fertilizer.
• Store in a cool and dry place, Protect from direct sunlight.

Pack Size

1 Ltr.

Shelf life

1 year from date of mfg.


• Supports overall plant growth and promotes the uptake of nutrients.
• Enhances the efficiency and growth of healthy roots of the plant.
• Helps to increase fruit size and weight of produce by improving the translocation system inside the plant during the fruit development stage.
• Helps to maintain uniform growth and shape of produce for best quality and yield.
• Helps to enhance the elasticity and permeability of cell membranes, which reduces fruit cracking.


Suitable for application on Cereals, Millet, Pulse, Oil-seeds, Fiber crops, Vegetables, Spices, Flowers, Root/Tuber crops, Sugar crops, Forage crops, Plantation crops, Medicinal crops, Aromatic crops, Ornamental crops etc.

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